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Our People

  • Overview

Tomasz Ochalski

Research Fellow

I have developed a semiconductor material optical characterisation laboratory, this new facility includes state-of-the-art THz FTIR, a time-resolved photoluminescence set-up and a suite of other characterisation equipment. This laboratory is also unique in Tyndall and complements the other photonics activities performed within the group. This is a summary of some of my most recent awards:

  • State Committee for Scientific Research: “Spatially resolved thermoreflectance study of degradation mechanism of high power laser diode mirrors”, 2004-2006 €76,234
    Principal Investigator
  • Marie Curie Intra European Fellowship: “Next Generation Quantum Dot Materials and Devices (NextDot)” 2007-2009. €187,546
    Marie Curie Fellow
  • Patent WO2015055743 “System and method for determining the level of carbon dioxide dissolved in a liquid in sealed container” 2015
  • Food Institutional Research Measure: “Developing the next generation of protein-enriched spray dried dairy powders with enhanced hydration properties”, total budget €3M (Ochalski, CIT – €536,150), 2016 – 2021
  • Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE): “Diamond-based nanomaterials and nanostructures for advanced electronic and photonic applications D-SPA” total budget €1.1M (Ochalski CIT- €117,000), 2017 – 2021