EUROPRACTICE is a European Electronic and Photonic Integrated Circuits (ICs and PICs) service provider. The consortium helps users prototype their designs and take them to volume production, from providing European academia with CAD tools, to industry and academia MPW runs and advanced packaging services.
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EUROPRACTICE is a consortium of five European organisations that offers IC prototyping services, from CAD tools for European academia to MPW runs and advanced packaging services for SMEs and academia.
The consortium includes some of Europe’s most experienced technology developers at CMP, Fraunhofer IIS, IMEC, Tyndall National Institute and UKRI.
The service gives users access to otherwise unattainable CAD, MPW and packaging services, expertise and specialized equipment.
Prototype design, fabrication and advanced packaging are the core business units of EUROPRACTICE. We have agreements with leading foundries to offer the most advanced technologies to our customers at competitive prices.
The cost of producing a new ASIC for a dedicated application within a small market can be high, if directly produced by a commercial foundry. EUROPRACTICE has reduced the prototyping cost, especially for ASIC prototyping, by two techniques:
- Multi Project Wafer Runs (MPW) or
- Multi Layer Masks (MLM)
CAD tools and CAD training is provided through EUROPRACTICE to European academia at an affordable pricing, through its strategic agreements with the CAD tool providers.
Smart system integration and advanced packaging techniques are a new offering within EUROPRACTICE. To ensure its success, we have established a close collaboration with world leading experts in advanced photonics packaging at Tyndall National Institute, led by Prof. Peter O’Brien. Available packaging techniques range from complex grating coupler fibre attaches to advanced pick and place technologies.
EUROPRACTICE’s capabilities and services include:
- MPW runs for prototyping system integration and small volume production in industry and academia; ASICs, mini@sics, PICs. Offered by EUROPRACTICE partners: CMP, Fraunhofer IIS, IMECand Tyndall National Institute.
- CAD tools for academia offered by EUROPRACTICE partner UKRI.
- Advanced packaging and smart system integration prototyping services for SMEs and academia offered by CMP and Tyndall National Institute.
Lee Malting Complex, Cork T12R5CP, Ireland
Phone: +353 (0) 21 234.66.13
Email: EuroPractice(dot)Gateway(at)tyndall(dot)ie