
Welcome to our 2019 Summer Undergraduate Bursary Students

On Monday 10th June, we welcomed our 2019 cohort of undergraduate students to IPIC.  Over the next 10 weeks, the students will conduct a research project under the supervision of our Principal Investigators and also participate in a bespoke training and development programme.

This year 11 students were successfully awarded places on our bursary programme following a competitive application process.  The students are currently registered undergraduates across physics, maths, electrical engineering, astrophysics and environmental science courses attending University College Cork, Cork Institute of Technology, Trinity College Dublin, University of Limerick, NUI Galway and Queen’s University Belfast.

The IPIC summer undergraduate bursary programme is a core part of IPIC’s Education & Public Engagement programme.  It offers undergraduate students the opportunity to undertake research projects in photonics, giving them access to our world class research facilities.  The programme gives students the opportunity to experience what a research career might involve and gives them an insight into postgraduate study.


Training Ireland’s future Photonics research leaders!

The Irish Photonics Integration Centre (IPIC) is embarking on an exciting expansion programme that includes 40 funded PhDs positions available from June 2019.

The scholarships will focus on application areas in optical communications, medical devices, diagnostics, AR/VR, and many others, covering research areas from photonics theory, materials growth, device development and fabrication, integration, packaging to full systems development.

Positions will be available at our academic partners, Tyndall National Institute, Cork Institute of Technology, Dublin City University, Trinity College Dublin & University College Cork.

We are seeking hard-working, passionate candidates in Physics, Electronic Engineering, Chemistry or related subject, keen to pursue training and research in a world-leading research centre. Applications are open to EU and Non-EU candidates.

Interested? Please send an email to info@ipic.ie to register your interest in these positions.