The workshop will take place in the auditorium “Bergès” at the GreEn-ER building, 21 Avenue des Martyrs, Grenoble on 12th-13th June 2025.
This workshop will focus on epitaxy and related fundamental processes in MOVPE (and other closely related epitaxial techniques). The motivation is to stimulate exchanges in the European MOVPE community. In this sense, the workshop aims to be a hardcore forum focused on epitaxy, bringing together growth, theory and characterisation, and focusing more on growth mechanisms rather than novel devices.
The workshop will be structured with approximately 20 invited talks by senior researchers and experts, including early career researchers, with a poster session over the two days. The aim is to have an informal but lively discussion forum, capable of stimulating ideas and dialogue between experts in the field, focusing on “growth science” rather than the application overview aspects.
There are no fees associated with this event. Lunches, coffee breaks and the workshop dinner will be arranged. There are only 70 places available for this workshop. Write ASAP to if you want to participate (possibility to present a poster).
Invited Speakers:
Rachel Oliver, Cambridge, UK
Francesco Montalenti, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Nicolas Grandjean, EPFL, Switzerland
Kerstin Volz, Univ. Marburg, Germany
Moritz Brehm, JKU, Austria
Benjamin Groven, IMEC, Belgium
Irène Manglano-Clavero, TU Braunschweig, Germany
Pierre-Marie Coulon, CRHEA, France
Erik Bakkers, TU Eindhoven, Netherlands
Simone Assali, CEA, PHELIQS, France
Pietro Pampili, Tyndall, Ireland
Suresh Sundaram, Georgia-Tech Metz, France
Amélie Dussaigne, CEA, LETI, France
David Lackner, Fraunhofer, Germany
Brochure can be found here FAME III-flyer-March2025-V2
The organising committee members are:
Erik Bakkers, Emanuele Pelucchi, Peter Parbrook, Bernardette Kunert, Christophe Durand, Francesco Montalenti, Michael Jetter