After the success of the first edition, the second edition of FAME (2024) – Second International Workshop on Fundamentals and Advances of MOVPE processes will be held at Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands) on July 8-9th 2024.
As before, this workshop will focus on epitaxy and related fundamental processes in MOVPE (and other close enough epitaxial techniques). Motivation being to stimulate debate in the community about the physical processes’ unknowns which need deeper understanding to advance our research field(s).
In this sense the workshop aims to be a hardcore epitaxial forum, merging growth, theory and characterization, and focusing more on “why something is possible” than on the devices that are made possible, which remain, unquestionably, a strong motivating avenue.

The workshop will maintain the original structure, and will be structured with approximately 20 invited talks delivered by senior researchers and experts, including young rising researchers, over two days. The aim is to have an informal but vibrant discussion forum, capable of stimulating ideas and dialogue between experts in the field, concentrating on the specifics of the “science” and less on the application overview aspects.  For full details see program-FAME II V2.

There are no fees associated to this event. The organizing committee will arrange and cover lunches, coffee breaks and social events (workshop dinner), but will not be in the position to cover accommodation and travel.
The workshop will take place in the meeting room of: Qubit 1st floor. (this is building 21 on the TUe_Map – this building is accessible via FLUX building 19 on the map).

Invited Speakers (others to be confirmed)

Laetitia Vincent, Paris Saclay
Daniele Lanzoni, Bicocca
Michael Nolan, Tyndall
Camille Barbier, Tyndall
Julien Bosch, CEA
Akanksha Kapoor, TU/e
Bernardette Kunert, IMEC
Stefano Sanguinetti, University of Milano
Elizaveta Semenova, DTU
Magnus Borgstrom, Lund Univeristy
Dan Buca, Juelich
Ernesto Joselevich, Weizmann
Elisa Sala, University of Sheffield
Tim Wernicke, TU Berlin
Heinz Schmid, IBM Zurich

The organising committee members are:
Erik Bakkers, Emanuele Pelucchi, Peter Parbrook, Christophe Durand, Francesco Montalenti, Michael Jetter
