Tyndall National Institute, Cork City, CorkThe Irish Photonics Integration Centre (IPIC) is embarking on an exciting expansion programme that includes 40 funded PhDs positions available from June 2019.
The scholarships will focus on application areas in optical communications, medical devices, diagnostics, AR/VR, and many others, covering research areas from photonics theory, materials growth, device development and fabrication, integration, packaging to full systems development.
Positions will be available at our academic partners, Tyndall National Institute, Cork Institute of Technology, Dublin City University, Trinity College Dublin & University College Cork.
We are seeking hard-working, passionate candidates in Physics, Electronic Engineering, Chemistry or related subject, keen to pursue training and research in a world-leading research centre. Applications are open to EU and Non-EU candidates.
Interested? Please send an email to info@ipic.ie to register your interest in these positions.
News & Events
OIDA Workshop On Embedded Photonic Manufacturing for Data Centers
PIXAPP is a proud organiser of a one-day workshop on Optical Fiber Communication on Photonic Manufacturing for Data Centres. The event will take place on the 8th of March 2020 and will host a number of high-profile speakers in the field.
Location: San Diego, California, USA
More information: https://www.osa.org/en-us/meetings/industry_events/workshop_on_embedded_photonic_manufacturing_for_da/program/
Photonics 4 European Products of the Future Workshop
Photonics 4 European Products of the Future
Location: Tyndall National Institute, Cork, Ireland
More information: Photonics_4_European_Products_of_the_Future_Workshop flyer
Ireland’s Tyndall National Institute claims a record high 2.2W for output power from InGaN SLEDs
The researchers used slanted facets to direct amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) through the GaN substrate with very low feedback, avoiding laser action.
More information: http://www.semiconductor-today.com/news_items/2019/nov/tyndall-151119.shtml
IPIC apart of new research project spanning five universities to focus on new uses for photovoltaic (PV) devices
The partnership includes Arizona State University, MIT , Dublin City University, the Irish Photonic Integration Centre, and Ulster University.
More information: https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2019-10/asu-npr100419.php
SPIE Photonics West 2020
SPIE Photonics West 2020
Location: The Moscone Center, San Francisco, California, United States
More information: https://spie.org/conferences-and-exhibitions/photonics-west/photonics-west-exhibition
Photonics Ireland at ECOC 2019 – Europe’s largest optical communication exhibition
IPIC and the Tyndall National Institute will be hosting the Photonics Ireland Pavilion at the ECOC Exhibition from 23rd to the 25th September 2019 at the RDS Dublin alongside our industry partners Rockley Photonics, Pilot Photonics, mBryonics and OEWaves and the IDA Ireland, Enterprise Ireland and Science Foundation Ireland. ECOC is Europe’s largest exhibition in the fibre optic communication technology industry and is the leading showcase for the latest products and services across industry and research institutes across the world. IPIC will be showcasing Ireland`s photonics ecosystem and the many opportunities available to grow your career at IPIC, the Tyndall National Institute and our industry partners and we look forward to broad programme of talks and the amazing opportunities to network with key industry and research leaders and for more information about joining us at ECOC please contact us at info@IPIC.ie.
PIADS Centre for Doctoral Training launches at IPIC
The Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Photonic Integration and Advanced Data Storage (PIADS) is a partnership between Queen’s University Belfast, the University of Glasgow and IPIC which aims to tackle some of the challenges created by the increasing quantities of data generated by today’s society. In particular, PIADS addresses a unique technological opportunity – the intersection of photonic integration and data storage. Its anchor is the participation of Seagate Technology & the technology of Heat Assisted Magnetic Recording (HAMR), an area where Northern Ireland is world leading in research & manufacturing. HAMR is the first truly mass market application for photonic integration, with projected volumes of up to 2 billion data recording heads per annum. Delivering photonic integration for HAMR is expected to open a multitude of new applications and markets that require low-cost integrated photonic solutions, but currently lack the critical volume required to develop the technology. These applications include, augmented/virtual reality systems, fibre-optic communication systems for the home and data centres, smart image-guided surgical instruments and miniature point-of-care and wearable medical diagnostic systems, all of which are currently being developed within IPIC’s platform and industry research programmes. Hence PIADS provides an exciting and unique doctoral training partnership focused on developing researchers with the knowledge and skills required to transform the cost base for photonic integration, which is expected to open new market opportunities for Ireland- and UK-based industry.
The CDT offers students a cutting-edge research environment to undertake a diverse and exciting range of topical doctoral research projects which cut across physics, materials and electrical and optical engineering through to applications as diverse as data storage and biosciences. Our doctoral training programme provides a framework for student cohorts to be educated, trained and to learn from industry best practice in distributed working whilst developing specialist technical skills alongside innovation and business skills.
Exploring the Universe at ECOC 2019
This event is hosted by Tyndall National Institute, the Irish Photonics Integration Centre (IPIC) and Science Foundation Ireland (SFI), in conjunction with the European Conference for Optical Communications (ECOC 2019). Leading physicist Prof. Brian Cox will present his award-winning show, Exploring the Universe to secondary school students from across the country. Professor Cox will be joined by Prof. Liam Barry from Dublin City University will highlight the latest developments in optical fibre technology that underpins today’s internet and Dr Ruth Freeman from SFI will highlight the exciting careers that Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) can offer.
Time: 2.30pm – 4.30pm
Cork Culture Night at Tyndall National Institute
Culture Night is an evening of free events across Ireland where businesses and universities open their doors to the general public in order to engage and entertain. Tyndall National Institute opens its doors this year with demonstrations presented by researchers from Tyndall to the general public of all ages and backgrounds. The event allows Tyndall National Institute to demonstrate the cutting edge work Tyndall conducts and helps inspire future generations of scientists.
Time: 5.00pm – 7.30pm
More information: https://culturenight.ie/event/tyndall-national-institute-tyndall-national-institute/
Welcome to our 2019 Summer Undergraduate Bursary Students
On Monday 10th June, we welcomed our 2019 cohort of undergraduate students to IPIC. Over the next 10 weeks, the students will conduct a research project under the supervision of our Principal Investigators and also participate in a bespoke training and development programme.
This year 11 students were successfully awarded places on our bursary programme following a competitive application process. The students are currently registered undergraduates across physics, maths, electrical engineering, astrophysics and environmental science courses attending University College Cork, Cork Institute of Technology, Trinity College Dublin, University of Limerick, NUI Galway and Queen’s University Belfast.
The IPIC summer undergraduate bursary programme is a core part of IPIC’s Education & Public Engagement programme. It offers undergraduate students the opportunity to undertake research projects in photonics, giving them access to our world class research facilities. The programme gives students the opportunity to experience what a research career might involve and gives them an insight into postgraduate study.
Training Ireland’s future Photonics research leaders!
The Irish Photonics Integration Centre (IPIC) is embarking on an exciting expansion programme that includes 40 funded PhDs positions available from June 2019.
The scholarships will focus on application areas in optical communications, medical devices, diagnostics, AR/VR, and many others, covering research areas from photonics theory, materials growth, device development and fabrication, integration, packaging to full systems development.
Positions will be available at our academic partners, Tyndall National Institute, Cork Institute of Technology, Dublin City University, Trinity College Dublin & University College Cork.
We are seeking hard-working, passionate candidates in Physics, Electronic Engineering, Chemistry or related subject, keen to pursue training and research in a world-leading research centre. Applications are open to EU and Non-EU candidates.
Interested? Please send an email to info@ipic.ie to register your interest in these positions.
IPIC celebrates International Day of Light 2019
The International Day of Light is a global initiative that provides an annual focal point for the continued appreciation of light and the role it plays in science, culture and art, education, and sustainable development, and in fields as diverse as medicine, communications, and energy. The broad theme of light will allow many different sectors of society worldwide to participate in activities that demonstrates how science, technology, art and culture can help achieve the goals of UNESCO – education, equality, and peace.
On 16th May 2019, IPIC marked this global initiative with a full day of activities onsite at Tyndall National Institute. The day began with a visit to the Institute by two local secondary schools, Coláiste Daibhéid and Coláiste and Phiarsaigh. During their visit, the students met with researchers from across IPIC’s four research themes and learned about some of the projects that the groups are working on.