Our People

Emanuele Pelucchi
Principal Investigator
Dr. Emanuele Pelucchi, Head of group, SFI PI, Tyndall National Institute-UCC.
Head of Epitaxy and Physics of Nanostructures (EPN) group, and responsible of the MOVPE facility.
Dr. Pelucchi has very broad interests, spanning from surface science and epitaxy to quantum optics. He has recently acquired a major role in MOVPE epitaxy, having developed world leading III-V material quality and growth process understanding, while uniquely developing and demonstrating arrays of site-controlled quantum dots and entangled photon emitters. Research Interests in short: Quantum technologies, Interface physics, epitaxial growth (MBE and MOVPE) of III-V and II-VI materials, modelling of growth processes and physics, quantum dot physics, quantum dot photonic devices, quantum optics, photonic integration.
ISI Research ID B-2744-2009; ORCID 0000-0001-7682-0601
Scholar profile https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=lSDHT9IAAAAJ&hl=en
Dr Pelucchi started his PhD in April 1997, working in the field of surface science and molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) His research covered MBE of II-VI materials on III-V substrates, photoemission applied to interface physics and metal-semiconductor Schottky barriers. He moved to Lausanne (EPFL) in 2001 as a research assistant (post-doc), in the group of Professor Eli Kapon. He participated to the development of the research concerning metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE) of site controlled III-V nanostructures, working on both V-groove quantum wires and Pyramidal QDs. In May 2006 Dr Pelucchi was awarded with a Science Foundation Ireland Principal Investigator Grant. In January 2007 moved to Tyndall National Institute-UCC, setting up a new research group in the field of III-V epitaxy and semiconductor quantum dots, with a particular effort dedicated to site controlled quantum dots. He is currently holding a number of record performances obtained at Tyndall in MOVPE epitaxy in general and site controlled single quantum dots in particular, all achieved as an independent PI.
Overall Dr. Pelucchi is coauthor of >129 publications in international reviews, including 1 Nature, 2 Nature Photonics, 5 NanoLetters, 3 Physical Review Letters, 1 Small, 28 Applied Physics Letters, 18 Physical Review B and one book chapter. Dr. Pelucchi received >180 citations /year in the last 4 years and has an ISI h factor of 25; Scholar H factor 28.
Measures of esteem-Several invited talks to international conferences (39) should be mentioned. –
He acts asreviewer for, within the others: Nature Nanotechnologies, Nature Communications, NanoLetters, Phys. Rev. Lett., ACS Photonics, Appl. Phys. Lett., Optics Xpress, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics; J. of Appl. Phys., Physica E, J. of Cryst. Growth, J. of Phys. D and J. of Phys: Cond Mat, etc…Book review: Taylor&Francis Publisher.
-He is/has been in the program committee of ICPS, ICMOVPE, CSW, EWMOVPE and ESPS-NIS conferences-He has been session chair in a number of International Conferences and Workshops. -Thanks to the quality of the Tyndall MOVPE laboratory, it has been appointed as second source for MOVPE supply of the UK National Centre for III-V materials (Sheffield).