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Liam Barry

Principal Investigator

Liam Barry received his BE (Electronic Engineering) and MEngSc (Optical Communications) degrees from University College Dublin in 1991 and 1993 respectively. From 1992 until 1996 he was employed as a Research Engineer in the Optical Systems Department of France Telecom’s Research Laboratories. During this period his research involved the use of ultra-short optical pulses in high capacity optical networks, and as a result of this work he obtained his PhD Degree from the University of Rennes. In February 1996 he joined the Applied Optics Centre in Auckland University, New Zealand, as a Research Fellow and in 1998 he took up a lecturing position in the School of Electronic Engineering at Dublin City University (DCU), and established the Radio & Optical Communications Laboratory. He is currently a Full Professor in DCU and his main research interests are; all-optical signal processing, hybrid radio/fibre communication systems and tuneable lasers for reconfigurable optical networks.

He has published over 500 articles in internationally peer reviewed journals and conferences, holds 9 patents in the area of optoelectronics, has co-founded two companies in the photonics sector, and has supervised 36 research graduate students to completion (29 at PhD level). He was a TPC member for the European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC) from 2004 to 2016 and served as conference co-chair for ECOC in Dublin in 2019. He also served as a TPC member and Chair of the Optoelectronic Device Strand for the Optical Fibre Communication Conference. He is currently an Associate Editor for IEEE Photonics Journal and IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications & Networks.