PhotonHub is a digital innovation hub for photonics, established as a full-service-one-stop-shop to help boost the competitiveness and growth of photonics and non-photonics companies.
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PhotonHub has been established to accelerate the uptake of photonics technologies by European industry in a manner which is deeply rooted within the wider ecosystem of innovation hubs and manufacturing right across the European continent for maximum coverage, leverage, impact and long-term sustainability.
PhotonHub has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Grant Agreement n°101016665, in Public Private Partnership with Photonics21.
PhotonHub provides SMEs and mid-capitalization businesses with open access and guided support in a broad range of services and capabilities, which include the following:
- “test-before-invest” innovation support capabilities together with the full TRL and MRL value chain such as expertise, design, prototyping, experimentation, engineering and pilot manufacturing with further guidance to manufacturing in Europe
- training and upskilling opportunities for both technology- and application-specific learning using lecture-based tutorials and hands-on lab-based training within the hub’s competence centres, and even extended to virtual classrooms
- business support services including IP advice, business coaching, and support to find investment from venture capital and other public and private regional and European sources of innovation funding
- seamless links to targeted value-adding opportunities in the wider innovation ecosystem across all European regions, cluster organisations and digital hub networks
The hub caters for the needs of both first users and early adopters in achieving the wider and faster uptake, integration and deployment of photonic technologies in innovative products for a wide variety of industry sectors for scaled-up business growth and production in Europe.