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Project title: PhotonicLeap: Photonic Wafer-Level Integration Packaging and Test

Lead PI: Peter O’Brien
Total budget: 5945K
Award returning to IPIC: 904K
Key partners: Ficontec, Bosch, LPFK laser

IPIC Role: TNI is responsible for overall project management. TNI is also responsible for package design and PDK development activities. TNI is also involved in packaging material and process development, supporting development of the validation demonstrators and working with BOS in exploitation and dissemination activities.

Key objective: Develop a fully automated and highly scalable disruptive PIC packaging and test technology which provides a greater than 10 times reduction in PIC production costs and use the disruptive technology to design and produce a revolutionary PIC package.

PhotonicLEAP will develop a disruptive wafer-level PIC module integration, packaging and test technology which can be scaled from low to very large volumes. PhotonicLEAP will use this disruptive technology to produce a revolutionary Surface Mount Technology (SMT) PIC package, which for the first time incorporates multiple optical and electrical connections. SMT is the most widely used, cost-effective and standardised package in the electronics world and PhotonicLEAP’s standardised SMT approach is set to follow, becoming a new global standard for cost-effective PIC packaging and high-throughput PIC testing. PhotonicLEAP will also develop standardised packaging design rules formalised into a Process Design Kit (PDK), providing users with easy access to the project technology through Open Access and commercial PIC design software tools. The project will validate these technologies through two state-of-the-art demonstrators, including a high-speed optical communication module and a portable medical device for cardio-vascular diagnostics. PhotonicLEAP’s approach will reduce the cost of PIC production by over 10 times, revolutionising existing applications and creating completely new markets. The project workplan includes high-quality measures to Exploit and Disseminate PhotonicLEAP’s results, including management of IP and research data, and to Communicate project activities to different target audiences. A key exploitation measure involves technology transfer to the flagship European PIC Packaging Pilot Line, PIXAPP, which has an extensive and growing user-base across multiple markets. PhotonicLEAP will be delivered by a highly experienced consortium with an unmatched record of excellence in developing and delivering many world firsts in PIC packaging, test technologies and advanced services. The consortium brings a wealth of interdisciplinary skills and state-of-the-art infrastructure to deliver on the project’s ambitious objectives.

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