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SPARKLE – Training Europe’s future photonics research leaders – is an innovative intersectoral, career development fellowship training programme. It is co-funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions programme (EU) and Research Ireland.



  • About
  • Overview
  • Sparkle Fellows and Alumni
  • Training
  • Open Call
  • Team
  • Contact
  • Login Area

Sparkle will train 27 fellows with combined skills in scientific excellence, product development and manufacturing, in order to equip them to compete at the highest international levels and will ensure that Ireland and Europe remains of the forefront in photonics technology development and exploitation. This includes rapidly emerging disruptive technologies and market opportunities, for example AR/VR that needs higher resolution and energy efficient displays, autonomous vehicles that require photonics sensors to ‘see’, guided surgical instruments that utilise light to identify cancerous versus non-cancerous tissue, all part of an industry that is growing twice as fast as the global GDP and expected to reach $780.4 billion by 2023‎.

Each fellow will have a comprehensive training plan, tailored to the career path they wish to pursue. For individuals interested in an academic career, their training will include the identification and submission to funding opportunities to enable them initiate their own research programme upon completion of the fellowship. For fellows focused on a career in industry, their training will focus on translational skills, such as fabrication and commercialization, and they will be introduced to IPIC’s wide network of industry partners to explore those that best match their ambitions.

Sparkle aims to:

• Strengthen and raise the excellence and impact of Europe’s photonics research and manufacturing activities.

• Address the expanding skills shortage in the field of photonics across Europe, specifically at experienced researcher level.

• Drive the advancement of the Athena Swan Charter, good practice in recruitment, promote equality, diversity and inclusion in STEM, and increase female participation levels.

• Provide an opportunity for industry to shape the training programme and support Ireland and Europe’s growing photonics SMEs by providing them with highly skilled trainees.


Sparkle has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 847652 and from Research Ireland (12/RC/2276_P2).


Sparkle is hosted by the Irish Photonics Integration Centre (IPIC), and is open to experienced researchers of any nationality, resident anywhere in the world, seeking a prestigious career development path in the field of photonics research and innovation. Fellows will be based at one of IPIC’s academic partners, be aligned to one of the IPIC Research Areas and will have academic freedom to create a research proposal in collaboration with an IPIC Supervisor.

Sparkle will provide fellows with:

• An advanced training programme in a cutting-edge research environment.

• An expanded set of translational skills, including prototype development and fabrication, commercialisation, communication and dissemination, leadership, grantsmanship, project and time management.

• Enhanced innovative and entrepreneurial awareness skills through training on subjects such as market awareness, technology transfer, entrepreneurship and industry engagement.

• A career-oriented 6 month industry placement with either a global technology leader or rapidly growing SME.

• Participation in IPIC’s comprehensive and diverse Education and Public Engagement (EPE) programme, to develop and apply dissemination skills with different audiences from students to the general public.

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) is a core principle for IPIC and Sparkle and is integrated into all elements of the programme, including a transparent, fair, objective and gender-balanced evaluation and selection process.

Sparkle Fellows and Alumni
Sparkle fellows

Dr Abi Waqas

Project Title:
NovEl Photonic Integrated Delay Line for Beyond 5G Telecommunication SystEm

IPIC Partner Host Institute:
Tyndall National Institute

Joined August 2023

Dr Imanda Jayawardena

Project Title:
Non-invasive Optical Assessment of Osteogenesis in a Hydrogel-based Bone-on-Chip Device

IPIC Partner Host Institute:
Tyndall National Institute

Joined April 2023

Dr Darpan Mishra

Project Title:
Silicon Photonic Optical Beamforming Network

IPIC Partner Host Institute:
Tyndall National Institute

Joined April 2023


Sparkle fellows

Dr Amit Kumar Singh

Project Title:
Designing III-Nitride nanostructures for next generation energy

IPIC Partner Host Institute:
Tyndall National Institute

Joined March 2023

Dr Leidy Johana Quintero Rodríguez

Project Title:
Secure High-Speed Optical Random Number Generation via Optical Feedback

IPIC Partner Host Institute:
Dublin City University

Joined March 2023

Dr Oisin McCormack

Project Title:
All-Dielectric Metasurfaces for Sensing Applications (MESA)IPIC Partner Host Institute:
Trinity College Dublin

Joined January 2023




Sparkle fellows

Dr Mahrokh Avazpour

Project Title:
Developing hybrid mode locked fiber lasers as Optical Frequency Comb sources

IPIC Partner Host Institute:
Dublin City University

Joined August 2022


Sparkle Alumni

Dr Shivangi Chugh 

Project Title:
Spectrally-Sliced Transmitter for Access Networks

IPIC Partner Host Institute:
Tyndall National Institute

Sparkle fellow from September 2022 to December 2024

Career progression after Sparkle:

Photonics Engineer, Salience Labs/Ireland

Dr Abhinav Gautam

Project Title:
Fibre Sensors for Monitoring the Integrity and Environmental Impact of Offshore Wind Farms

IPIC Partner Host Institute:
Tyndall National Institute

Sparkle fellow from May 2022 to January 2025

Career progression after Sparkle:

Postdoctoral Researcher
Tyndall National Institute/Ireland

Dr Hadi Badri

Project Title:
Optical frequency comb generation in lithium niobate-on-insulator by micro-transfer-printing

IPIC Partner Host Institute:
Munster Technological University

Sparkle fellow from September 2022 to September 2024

Career progression after Sparkle:

Research Ireland Awarded Postdoctoral Researcher
CAPPA at Tyndall National Institute/Ireland



Sparkle Alumni

Dr Muyiwa Balogun

Project Title:
Data Driven Approach for the Mitigation of Nonlinearity in Optical Fibre Communication Systems

IPIC Partner Host Institute:
Dublin City University

Sparkle fellow from October 2022 to March 2024

Career progression after Sparkle:

Technical Applications, VPI Photonics/USA

Dr Pranav Kumar Lanka

Project Title:
Biophotonics in REspirATory HealthcarE of INfants

IPIC Partner Host Institute:
Tyndall National Institute

Sparkle fellow from October 2021 to October 2023

Career progression after Sparkle:

Researcher, Tyndall National Institute/Ireland

Dr Rangana Banerjee Chaudhuri

Project Title:
Reconfigurable Fibre to Wireless Transceiver design: Potential for future low cost high-speed internet

IPIC Partner Host Institute:
Dublin City University

Sparkle fellow from October 2021 to October 2023

Career progression after Sparkle:

Research Project Leader & Scientist
Physikalisch-Technische Bundeslehranstalt/Germany


Sparkle Alumni

Dr Somdatta Bhattacharya

Project Title:
Upconverted Nanoparticle Assisted Deep Tissue Photodynamic Therapy With Realtime Control In Prostate Cancer

IPIC Partner Host Institute:
Tyndall National Institute

Sparkle fellow from September 2021 to September 2023

Career progression after Sparkle:

Optical Engineer, TMC/Netherlands


Dr Yinka Somorin

Project Title:
Understanding microbial contamination in the production laser-enabled future cardiac patch

IPIC Partner Host Institute:
National University of Ireland Galway, NUIG

Sparkle fellow from July 2021 to July 2023

Career progression after Sparkle:

Independent Researcher and Consultant/Ghana

Dr Meenaxi Saini

Project Title:
Advanced Probes for Super-Resolution Imaging of cells and organoids

IPIC Partner Host Institute:
Dublin City University

Sparkle fellow from July 2021 to July 2023


Sparkle Alumni

Dr Ramu Vadde

Project Title:
Self-referenced Ruthenium/Iridium Complexes for Sensing Intracellular O2/pH using Resonance Raman Imaging

IPIC Partner Host Institute:
Dublin City University

Sparkle fellow from April 2022 to May 2023


Career progression after Sparkle:
Marie-Curie Individual Postdoctoral Fellow
Ruhr University Bochum/Germany

Dr Chirag Patil

Project Title:
Photonic Device Integration techniques through advanced Flip-Chip process

IPIC Partner Host Institute:
Tyndall National Institute

Sparkle fellow from April 2021 to April 2023


Career progression after Sparkle:
Photonics Packaging and Optical Test Engineer
Scantinel Photonics/Germany

Dr Arpita Roy

Project Title:
A fluidic model of glycan recognition at the cell membranes

IPIC Partner Host Institute:
Dublin City University

Sparkle fellow from February 2021 to February 2023


Career progression after Sparkle:
Assistant Professor, Asutosh College/India

Sparkle Alumni

Dr Surajit Ghosh

Project Title:
A Physiologically Mimetic Model for Evaluation of Intracellular Permeation by Drug Delivery Vehicles

IPIC Partner Host Institute:
Dublin City University

Sparkle fellow from May 2022 to November 2022

Career progression after Sparkle:

Assistant Professor, University of Delhi/India

Dr Emmanouil Amargianitakis

Project Title:
Realization of ultra-violet III-nitride solid state lasers employing micro-transfer printing for their integration with waveguides

IPIC Partner Host Institute:
Tyndall National Institute

Sparkle fellow from August 2021 to November 2022

Career progression after Sparkle:

Optoelectronics Engineer/Greece

Dr Rafael Gaspar

Project Title:
New high-performance phosphorescent labelling reagents and bioconjugates for cell analysis

IPIC Partner Host Institute:
University College Cork

Sparkle fellow from May 2021 to November 2022

Career progression after Sparkle:

Research and Development Scientist, Agilent/Ireland


Sparkle Alumni

Dr Samvit Menon

Project Title:
Fluorescent nanodiamond biomarkers for in-vivo bioimaging

IPIC Partner Host Institute:
Munster Technological University

Sparkle fellow from January 2021 to October 2022

Career progression after Sparkle:

Program Manager, Research Ireland/Ireland

Dr Mateusz Piekarek

Project Title:
Lateral Junction Electro-Absorption Modulators

IPIC Partner Host Institute:
Tyndall National Institute

Sparkle fellow from October 2020 to October 2022


Career progression after Sparkle:
Researcher at Tyndall National Institute/Ireland

Dr Pierre-Marie Coulon

Project Title:
AlGaN thermal etching for advanced UV light emitting device architectures

IPIC Partner Host Institute:
Tyndall National Institute

Sparkle fellow from September 2020 to January 2021


Career progression after Sparkle:
Research Engineer at CNRS CRHEA/France





In addition to the development of research skills, Sparkle has a structured training programme that for all Fellows to participate in, each will have their own Personalised Career Development Plan tailored to their career ambitions. This will be prepared in partnership with the Programme Manager and Academic supervisor before Fellows start.

The key elements of the training programme include:

  • An advanced training course – Fellows to complete one of the following courses, Compound Semiconductor Device Fabrication, Photonics Packaging, Biophotonics Summer School or the IPIC BootCamp/Explorer programme (a commercialisation training programme).
  • SPARKLE Autumn School – A 3 day event focused on preparing Fellows for their future career in either industry or academia and on the development of their communications and public engagement skills.
  • IPIC Industry Workshop – An annual event that brings together 150 IPIC researchers (Principal Investigators, Postdoc and PhDs) and industry partner representatives to learn about recent developments and to network with the community (including the opportunity to explore future employment opportunities with the industry partners). Fellows will be invited to present their work in poster format.
  • IPIC Seminar Series – Eminent academic and industry scientists are invited from across the world to present their work.
  • Education & Public Engagement Training – Fellows will participate in IPIC’s comprehensive EPE training programme, from public speaking to demo and materials development.


Open Call

Sparkle open calls are now closed. The open calls ran continuously from December 2019 to autumn 2022. In this period there were regular application cut-off dates. A Sparkle information package detailing the programme and application process is available for download below.

Any questions about the programme can be directed to


Download Files:

Sparkle Information Pack

Questions & Answers




The Sparkle Project Coordinator is Dr Patrick Morrissey and is supported by Elisabeth Wintersteller, the Programme Manager. There are 17 academic supervisors who are the IPIC Principal Investigators(PI), listed here: PI supervisor profiles.

The team is supported by IPIC’s host academic institutions where Fellows will be located, namely Tyndall National Institute, Munster Technological University, Dublin City University, Trinity College Dublin, National University of Ireland Galway and University College Cork.

In addition Sparkle has a comprehensive management structure that includes a Supervisory Board responsible for monitoring of the progress of the research and training programmes and the fellows, and a Steering Committee that oversees the execution of the programme, its progress against the objectives and KPIs.



If you require further details please contact the Sparkle Programme Manager, Elisabeth Wintersteller, who is running a support helpdesk for all applicants throughout the programme, via email at The helpdesk will support information such as:

• The application process

• Finding a suitable supervisor

• Eligibility criteria

• Submission procedure

• Suitability of a proposed Research Project

• Programme terms and conditions

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